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New Orleans

Today was the Aquarium in New Orleans, and the IMAX theater. We saw Lewis and Clark, which was pretty good, but I was still disappointed, I'd expected more. The sister and neice were impressed with it.

The aquarium was good, as always, but they charge way too much for it. I like the zoo much better.

I took a bunch of pictures today and Wednesday, I'll post some when I get some time to get them ready.

A Woman Alone
Friday, Jul. 02, 2004
11:15 p.m.


Bright and early this morning the loud niece woke me up. I fussed pretty well and hope she will be quiet tomorrow, although I plan to get up around 8:30 for our trip to New Orleans. I reminded her again before she went to bed, and promised her that while she was trying to sleep, and I was up, I would keep my own voice down. Then after a while, my sister and I were talking and something that I was angry about came up (George Bush) and I raised my voice. My sister reminded me to be quiet. I feel so terrible for expecting the girl to be quiet for me and then failing to be quiet for her. I was quiet after that.

Besides being extremely grouchy when I first got up, I've been emotionally feeling pretty good again all day. YEAH! I am glad they're here.

I really really really hope I sleep tonight!

A Woman Alone
Thursday, Jul. 01, 2004
10:57 p.m.


I am so exhausted.

For several days I've been getting up around 9am with the alarm clock- again trying to sleep at night and not in the daytime. But as usual, I DON'T sleep at night. Just a little, tossing and turning, and laying awake for hours in the dark.

I left the house at 7 this morning, drove 2+ hours to get them, drove to some plantations and stuff where we walked around and I took pictures, drove home. Upon arriving at home, I had to carry stuff in- why am I the one making two trips when they are the ones with the stuff?? Immediately I had to start on making dinner. I don't much like to cook, but that's how I eat. In other words, I don't get take out very often and don't much like this food in a box junk you get at the grocery. So I'm cooking while sister is sitting with her feet up and neice is asking me to change the playstation game every 5 minutes. (Dinner was very good by the way). They both had baths, which I had to get towels and such for.

This is what happens when you have guests, they don't know where anything is or how you do stuff.

Then I had to watch my sister's favorite movie, which was pretty boring, but kind of amusing too. I just don't usually like movies, there are very few I think are any good. Same for tv shows. And books.

Now, at nearly midnight, I finally get to take a freaking bath and have a few minutes to myself. I'm so tired.

I showed her where the stuff was so she could make herself and her daughter some breakfast, during which time I sincerely hope I'm sleeping. She of course said something like "you're not really going to sleep in the morning?"

"I hope I am!" so she gave me a funny look. Does she have a clue that I need some freaking rest??

I'm not used to all this activity and all these demands on me every second of the day. I'm doing amazingly well emotionally so far. The daughter is spoiled rotten, really. She whines and always gets whatever she wants. I honestly don't think that's good for a child, but I am damn sure not playing it. So I'll be the bitch aunt, I don't care. But I'm doing 12 things and her highness wants a different game for the 12th time but for some reason can't do it herself, and her mom is equally incapable.

I just have the hardest time with people. But still, this is my only sister, we haven't known each other since we were children, and something in me wants to make the effort. Obviously she wants to, too. Don't know if she's dealing with personal struggles with me like I am with her and her child. I don't like people who will sit and watch me do everything, including tend to her whiney child's desires. But I am really trying to ignore that and just be glad of the good stuff. This tending to them isn't something I would be willing, or even capable of doing frequently.

My sister's like a baby- I saw a mosquito! You don't have roaches, do you?? Shit.

So after all that bitching... I'm glad they're here. We had a nice day overall. I need a hot bath, and I suppose to delete the history on my computer lest they get nosey.

A Woman Alone
Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2004
11:39 p.m.

Ready for Action

I've been to the grocery store to feed my guests. I've been busy getting ready for two days.

I've become very accustomed to eating what I want, when I want, and the idea of meal planning again SUCKS.

She was telling me today, via msn messenger, that she has problems with family and close relationships. I'm glad to hear her say so since that means she's aware of it, but not at all surprised. That's one of the things our parents taught us so well. But still, we're adults and need to work through that junk to get the life we want to have.

I'm excited and nervous and upset with myself for caring what she thinks of my house or my cooking or my car, etc. Maybe I'm just afraid she's gonna say something rude about my stuff and I won't be able to handle it without getting upset.

I've been feeling pretty decent for days now and it's wonderful! If only it would last.

A Woman Alone
Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004
7:27 p.m.

The Plan is Made

I'm to go to Lafayette and get my sister and her daughter on Wednesday morning. We're gonna spend the day sightseeing while making our way back to my house. We'll take Thursday here resting and Friday in New Orleans sight seeing again. She'll go home Saturday.

I hope I can do it. I feel pretty good still but I'm gonna take benedryl to sleep tonight since I haven't been sleeping worth a damn. I've been getting up at 9am with the alarm clock each day for about 3-4 days.

I'm getting pretty tired.

A Woman Alone
Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004
9:30 p.m.

Forgot the Best Part

Forgot to mention one of the best parts.

When I was getting ready to leave, the 14 year old son wanted to hug me! Why is this good? Well, he doesn't know me very well, so there was no reason for me to expect such a thing (in fact it surprised me). I think it shows that he enjoyed visiting with me, and that made me feel good.

A Woman Alone
Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004
1:49 a.m.

Busy Me

Wow, I've been having some good days! Can you believe it? Not great, but good. I got some stuff done on the car- still need to get more done :( I went to that lady's house last night and stayed a few hours visiting with her and her husband and son, while also trying to figure out why she isn't connecting to the internet. Funny thing about computer problems- the answers are all online. I had a very nice time, was in a good mood! It's like a miracle.

And when I got home I got online and I believe I have what I need to get her going now.

I've discovered something about teaching. Just because you know something doesn't mean you can automatically teach it. I am wanting to teach her some basic stuff about computers because she's not going to have any control unless she learns some stuff! But I'm at a loss. Even tho I'm an organized person, I don't know where to start or exactly what to include. And she doesn't have time to sit there while I drift around, nor will that help her remember anything. I may end up seriously making a plan, thinking out exactly what she needs to know. Writing it all out. Which will take a lot of time, but that's OK.

I went to the car place to have them look at the car. The guy said they could look at it right away- I asked! I sit in their waiting room, which is small and dark and windowless for about half an hour. Go out there, no they haven't looked at it. How much longer? About 20 minutes before they can start. So that's nearly an hour before they are gonna start looking at it!

Well this little room is driving me absolutely nuts. Can't sit in there. Nothing else to do, nowhere to go. Nothing to see. The whole damn showroom is dark, it's gross. Finally I figured out that I needed to come back the next morning and let them bring me home while they work on the car, and come get me when they were done. That's what I did, and it worked out great. But man, I could not sit still, and especially in that dark little room. Manic? I tell ya this, I like this a hell of a lot better than my usual.

A Woman Alone
Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004
10:31 p.m.

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