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It's fixed!

I checked my plumbing handywork today, and it's not leaking!! After I redid it, turned the water on, it still leaked- again! So I redid it a third time, and it's finally fixed :) Yay me!

I got some cuts and scratches, and a freaking wasp sting! I hope they die when they sting, like bees do. Nothing personal. But that asshole stung me! Dammit.

They were hanging around because of the puddle. There were even frogs happily submerged and watching the activities. It got to where at night I could hear frogs loudly croaking under there! I'm happy to report that the puddle is nearly history.

The past two days I've been quite lazy. Not eating much. Messing with blog templates/learning html and such. Have a bad headache and should go away from the computer. But there's nothing to do and nothing on tv. *sigh*

Oh, and I did call my regular (medicine) doctor for an appointment, so at least that's done. He'll fuss, but at least I'll be back in that system again. I've been ignoring him and all medical related stuff for months now. Maybe next week I'll set my sights on a new psychiatrist. Maybe.

Oh (again oh), and I've been getting up around 9:30 every morning, and getting to bed earlier than before, but not as early as I should. Sometimes sleeping, sometimes not. But getting up in the morning is very very good! And this is the longest it's lasted since I can't remember when.

Oh, Right (can I not think of another way to start a paragraph??), my friend wrote a mushy letter regarding our visit the other day, which I have been ignoring diligently. Sometimes I just am not up to letting those feelings get all loose and wild. English translation: I'm uncomfortable with the expression of kind feelings towards someone and/or their kind feelings towards me. But I will write back. No hurry now, she can't get online until Monday, maybe Tuesday.

A Woman Alone
Friday, Jul. 16, 2004
9:08 p.m.

Fix the Water Pipe

Yesterday afternoon my one friend finally came over so I could print out some pictures for her of her wedding. It's been a few months since I scanned them into my computer, but she's busy all the time. We had a nice conversation, and she left very happy with her pictures.

I've known this lady for about five years and we have been friendly all that time. She's a kind and friendly person. But just recently our relationship has taken a large step closer, probably because I've been feeling better and am able to socialize more. I guess. Well, and remember, I told her one day how important her friendship was to me. I think that may have been a turning point.

Anyway, it's nice.

After she left, it was still light enough that I was able to get outside and mow a part of the yard that was still very high since I hadn't gotten to it since before my sister's visit. I felt good about that, too. And I wanted the exercise. Sometimes sitting around the house bugs me, I want to get out. This is a very good thing! Usually I hate getting out.

Now I need to turn my attention -again- to this damn water leak under the house. It's worse than ever and is now making a big puddle out there. I replaced the leaky parts. I don't know if I did something wrong or if I just happened to get a faulty replacement part. I've done this a hundred times, and never had this happen before. I think I'll go buy another part first, and replace it again. Once you're out there, with the water cut off, you sweat and get dirty, and like I said, it's in the middle of a puddle. And you can't come in and clean up because the water has to stay off until you repair the pipe! So I try my best to be prepared before I start.

I hate this kind of work, but when I get it fixed, I will feel so proud of myself! Not only for having fixed it, but also for having saved $100 by doing it myself. When you can't work and support yourself in this society, you look for ways to gain some pride in yourself.

Emotionally I've been feeling better for about a month now. It's so nice. Of course I have no confidence that it will last.

I've been thinking that maybe now I should see about getting a new doctor. I really should have a doctor. But I'm feeling better without one. I just have a bad attitude about doctors at the moment. How I wish I could find a good one. And I'm so so broke at the moment. And the Air Conditioner in the car needs to be repaired. *sigh* I'd rather have a/c in the car than another sucky doctor. New patient visits cost way more than regular visits, so eveytime I try a new doctor, I get the pleasure of paying yet another chunk of my measly income to the asshole.

Well, I'm ignoring that for now. Today shall be "fix the water pipe" day.

A Woman Alone
Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004
9:54 a.m.

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